Sunday, November 26, 2006

Where you're terrific, if you're even good

Ok, I'm done traveling for the immediate future. I've flown enough this past year that I seem to have gotten past my landing anxieties (at least in part). There were the two trips home, the work trip to the Carolinas, the college reunion back east, the Labor Day trip to KC MO, L.A., and... where was that other place? Oh that's right, Hawaii. Sure, sure, I've made no progress on my international destination list (New Zealand, Antarctica, Australia, Argentina, Peru, Nepal, China, Mongolia, Japan, Iceland, France, Norway, Switzerland, Croatia, Turkey, Tanzania, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, the Seychelles, India, Indonesia... to name a few), but I have yet to win that damn lottery. Or hook a wealthy man.
Anyway, I digress.

So L.A. for Thanksgiving! Until I visit, it's easy to forget how much I like L.A., as different as it is from S.F. Dinner was terrific, as was the company of Jen's welcoming friends. The rest of the weekend was spent chillaxin', watching tv in our pajamas and eating cake and pie (curse you, House of Pies, in all your banana creamed glory!), though we did venture forth amongst the masses to fill ourselves with the frenzied 4-weeks 'til Christmas spirit of the season. Alas, I did not use my camera, nor cross-post, so this paragraph is all you'll get till the DVDs are compiled and released in a few years once all the music rights to my memories are obtained. Rose, always a pleasure! I'll see you at New Year's!

The flight home was a fitting way to end my year's travels: chaos. Never have I seen so many people crowding the airport gates. While check-in and security were no problem, the overbookings, smaller plane exchanges, and weather delays meant I sat in the fetal position on the floor forever, trying not to be trampled, draining my cell phone playing sudoku. That's enough of that. Until I go snowboarding in Colorado with the fam in Feb, of course (yay!).

...My god. I used 'chillaxin' in a sentence. You have my permission to smack me.



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