Saturday, January 26, 2008

This Old Man, He Played 2 (x 17)

People have always said that time speeds by faster and faster the older you get, and it's definitely true. Somehow, I blinked and found myself 34 years old, which means I've basically lived more than a third of my life, if all goes well. Assuming, of course, that they don't unlock all of biology's secrets in the coming 60 years. Which actually could happen. I read somewhere that everyone alive today could be expected to live past 100 -- barring accident and disease -- given the inroads already being made.


I took the day off work yesterday, because, well, if a birthday isn't a good enough reason to avoid work, I don't what is. My company just began offering 2 floating holidays per year in addition to the regular PTO, so I used one of those days. I usually do something outdoorsy and solitary, but unfortunately the weather has been fairly uncooperative of late. Which I'm not really complaining about since the area can use all the precipitation it can get after last year's dry spell. But non-stop pouring rain makes hiking in the hills rather less appealing.

In fact, it was one of the rainiest days I can remember. A steady downpour continued without break the entire day, totaling 2.5 inches. I eventually had to leave the apartment and head downtown to meet my coworkers for happy hour, which they were throwing in my honour. I sort of had to show up, you know. Besides, even urban flood advisories are no excuse when drinks paid for by others are offered.

Another sign I'm old? The Irish pub was followed by a quiet Italian dinner with my friend Michelle, and I was home by 10pm.

1 Comment:

thptpth said...

Glad to see you're back - happy late birthday!


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