Thursday, February 15, 2007

We never change do we no, no

And by we, I mostly mean me, being totally strung out before taking time off.

I'm leaving Saturday (at 6am) for a week with the fam back home-ish in Colorado. It's going to be fun, I've been looking forward to it for months, I'm taking my snowboard gear and we're heading straight for the slopes when I get in at noon. So that's all the good and the yay and the yippee and the can't wait.

But the flip side of that is, of course, that I'm coming down to the wire,
again, at work, trying to get stuff done and prepare everyone for my being out. It's true, I may not be that adept at time management, but I've been working really hard to get this stuff dealt with. But between Jury Duty, dental hell, and all the usual day-to-day whackiness, I'm not left much time for things like documentation, requirements feedback, training, etc. And of course, again, I'll be out just as new stuff is rolling out, leaving people who are less, um, familiar with stuff, to handle things on their own.

And I haven't even begun to get my stuff together for the actual trip. The stress! The lack of sleep! No wonder I have no problem sleeping on airplanes -- it'll be such a relief once I've made it that far.

So anyway, I'll be out of touch for a week or so. If anyone cares. I'm just sayin'.


Anonymous said...

That isn't you in the pic is it? Can't wait to see you... and BTW, the apple falling from the tree thing? I'm not packed or ready either. (Though I don't have to fly, I do have to meet your plane!) Love, Mom

Dissident Sister said...

In yet another instance of our lives running oddly parallel, I've just escaped [sort of] from my own dental hell. I finally got all my wisdom teeth chiseled from my jaw on Thursday. It feels as if someone has taken a bat to my face. The ibuprofen is not working. The Vicodin is not working. I, however, am working. I can't believe I am in the office today. What the f*u*c*k.

Zach's Mom, pay no attention to the cursing that some vulgar readers leave in his comments section.

Have a great trip, and post lots of photos when you get back.

Anonymous said...

When I happen to know the readers, and it fits, I'd be the last person to "pay attention." Besides, it makes me smile more often than frown. Zach's Mom.

Dissident Sister said...

See! See! You should be talking to my mom! The woman has zero sympathy.


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